Briochi Magnetic Bracelet Strength Test Demonstration

“Brio” means vigor, liveliness or vivacity of style or performance. In Oriental medicine, every organ, whether it’s the brain, heart, liver or kidney, maintains its own electromagnetic field. When the delicate balance of their fields are upset the flow of “Chi” or life energy, is disrupted, leading to illness.

Bringing Your Life into Balance

Reported Benefits:

•             Balances Blood Pressure and Blood Flow, Cleans the Blood of Metabolites

•             Strengthens Cell Tissues

•             Retains 20% More Oxygen in the Blood, Improving Lung Functioning

•             Restores Body Voltage charge to its Optimum 150 millivolts

•             Relieves Pain and Joint Pain

•             Reduces Stress, Palpitations and Fatigue

•             Increases Cell Metabolism and Cell Activity

•             Reduces Inflammation

•             Relieves Dizziness

•             Relaxes Muscles

•             Decreases Insomnia

•             Regulates Immune Function

•             Improves Brain and Nerve System Electricity for Higher Mental Focus Energy

Initial Research Results:

While ten subjects is typically the minimum required to draw conclusions, it’s quite evident in the preliminary assessment’s the most effective test results came in the balance testing (relative to strength), the range of motion testing, and last the improvement in rotation testing.

How does Briochi 1 and 2 Function?

The Briochi™ proprietary embedded Earth Frequency Technology (EFT) greatly assists the body to balance its natural energy field by aligning the human body at the exact same frequency as walking barefoot on the earth’s soil.

Using subjective testing, EFT appears to provide better strength, balance, energy and possibly some pain relief. So, it acts similar to a tune-up for the body and displays increases in balance, strength and endurance.

The EFT benefit is designed to contradict the negative effects of EMF (electromagnetic fields). These EMF’s appear to disrupt the body’s natural energy to keep the body functioning at its ideal frequency of 7.83 Hz, (The same as the Earth’s).

Briochi 1 & 2: What’s the Difference?

Briochi™ begins working immediately whether it’s on your wrist, or in a pocket (Some athletes during play put it in a sock or pocket since jewelry isn’t allowed).

Briochi 1 and 2 both deliver:

•             Superior Quality 316l Stainless Steel, non-toxic, hypoallergenic (99.9%) Corrosion resistant.

•             Earthing Frequency Technology (EFT) 7.83 Hz

•             Germanium (black) These elements may shield electromagnetic radiation, reduce fatigue and improve immunity.

Briochi 2 adds these extra facets:

•             Negative Ion (white) these elements from natural origins may increase energy, mental focus, mood, sleep quality and overall alertness.

•             Magnet (silver) they work by using magnetic fields. Some research suggests that magnets affect the pineal gland which produces melatonin.(If you use a pacemaker or similarly regulated device in or on your body we strongly advise against using anything with magnetic technology and suggest using the Briochi 1).

•             FAR Infrared (red) FAR infrared elements may Improve Circulation, the Growth of Living Cells, Metabolism and enable Joint Pain Relief.


“As a certified yoga instructor, I’m highly comfortable in my strength, balance and flexibility. But, once I put on the Bracelet I can readily share I had no idea just how much more was possible from my practice. Now my flexibility, strength and center of balance are even greater”. Heather A. HB, CA


“For the past five years I’ve had steady pain in my left shoulder which limited mobility in my yoga and exercise workout. After wearing the Bracelet during my first yoga session I found myself success-fully getting into two poses which eluded me for the past three years, I’m a former Silver medalist in the Olympics and rely on my physical wellness as a beach lifeguard skills for the County of Los Angeles”.

Lelei. RB, CA


“Since I began wearing the eleven months ago, my recovery rate after intense running is amazingly fast. It seems as though I go father with less effort. (And I’m getting this while feeling great all the

Time)”. Debora T. Encino, CA


“During one of regular workouts I was given an unusual test and as a result I was able to bench press 30% more weight than I had done moments earlier and was also able to increase my level of pull ups despite not actually wearing the Bracelet. Since that test in the gym it’s difficult to explain the feeling of increased strength but it works. Go out and get one for yourself”. Mark S. RPV, CA


“Vertigo is what I’ve been suffering with for the past five years and since wearing the “Bracelet™ I can ride in a car down windy roads and feel like my old self again. Six-time world champion”. Eric D. VT

Why Briochi™ Bracelet?

Put simply, we must develop ways to mitigate the negative effects of the “electronic smog” by utilizing elements which help harmonize our electrical body rather than disrupt it. This exact idea is at the crux of all medical treatments using electricity or magnetism.

Our bodies are finely tuned machines that know inherently how to run perfectly. They simply lack all the life fuel they need to operate at full capacity.

Imagine the percentage of our brain use, speed of recovery and rejuvenation (reverse aging) if we only had enough life force energy. Briochi™ provides your body with a super fuel that it will love so it will know how to use efficiently!

Today, we live our everyday lives surrounded by a wide variety of household electrical appliances.

Whenever these electrical appliances are operated, they invariably produce electro-magnetic waves (aka EMF’s). These EMF waves disrupt our own  biological electrical currents that could lead to damage physical health. However, living life without  electrical appliances and equipment is today no longer feasible. So, to live healthier lives we must help balance and repair the disruptions to our biological electrical currents.


Premium Construction (No rubber/silicone) • Corrosion resistant • Elegant mirrored fine polished finish w/hand constructed pieces laser engraved • Unprecedented strength and lightness • Comfortable to wear with a secure closing clasp • Utilizes mineralized gemstones • Compatible for dressing up or casual attire • Limited-Lifetime Warranty

What’s the Symbol on the Bracelet?

“The syllable OM, is a non-religious symbol of the universe. Whatsoever has existed, whatsoever exists, and whatsoever shall exist hereafter, is OM.

For purchase or inquries please


 These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not medical devices. They are not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions and are not intended as a cure, treatment, or prevention of disease. Consult a medical professional prior to wearing if pregnant or lactating, allergic to metals and their alloys such as nickel, etc., or if using any medical electronic device. Results may vary.

Cee Cee